At an outdoor market in 筲箕灣 |
I had a conversation with a buddy I made at HKU and she told me about how she traveled solo to Taiwan. (I really admire people that do that sort of thing. Just venturing into the unknown on their own. There's so much in store for the traveler, so much to learn about oneself and experience personal growth! I hope to do that one day! Baby steps!) And she told me that by the end of her trip she completely stopped taking photos because she felt that just taking photos for the sake of taking already ruins the integrity of the experience. Life happens in a moment and things do not repeat itself. So while we're busying trying to "capture the moment" we already missed it. We forget to celebrate the present! Because once we snap that photo, in the future, we just look back at it as a past and it's past. I totally get her vibe but I must contest that there is always a balance to these types of things. I regretted not bringing a camera to my Spain & France trip back in high school (a big reason why I take photos now) and sure we can always live in the moment and enjoy the gift of the present but one day we want to look back even if it's not completely the same experience of living it out, I strongly believe the gift of sharing it with someone else is a new experience in it of itself. Sharing a story to inspire another's story. That's definitely worth an extra minute of striking this pose:
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