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A 元 for my thoughts on my Taiwan travels this year:

I absolutely love love love the people here...they're like the eastern version of southern hospitality haha. I feel like the friends I have made here regard me as family. I am so humbled by their generosity and just the kindness they've shown me from giving me a place to live, transportation, delicious food to eat, a SIM, familial love especially since my family isn't travelling with me, good company, etc. My friend Alice really reminded me of what friendship should be about...doing things for one another and not expecting something in return...we don't "owe" each other, we're friends so we treat each other. I really am at a lost as how to express my gratitude to the people that have taken care of me during this trip but I look forward to the day I can extend to the kindness and love when they visit America! (I think I realized a lot about myself and how I can be so stingy sometimes even when it comes to sparing a dollar. I'm not rich and I'm not poor but now I do realize that indeed "a rich man is a poor man with money" learning to put value where it ought to be.)
If people ask me where my favourite place to travel is...I would still say Taiwan. 2 years ago, my reason was because it was the first time I really travelled alone and I love the independence of it and just running on my own schedule. This year, I would say I've come to appreciate the food atmosphere even more. I didn't realize how much I missed Taiwan food and how it's just so homey to me even though I'm not Taiwanese heh. Food is just SO GOOD here...AND SO CHEAP. If I had the time and money (& will to exercise after I ate) I'd dedicate a blog to Taiwan food adventures...but good thing I don't have to because one already exists! ^^
Plus the accessibility to activities accommodating to all morning, afternoon, and night and after hours and how public transit is so efficient. I think Taiwan is good place to live during 20s-30s. It's for all types of souls...from people who like karaoke, clubbing, etc. to mountainous hiking, strolls down old streets, waterfalls and beaches, etc...and all these things can be done all in a day.
The weather can be a bit of a Debbie downer...but it's totally adaptable. The secret to success is flip flops with traction or awesome Croc ripoffs (because Crocs are overpriced brands are overpriced in Asia). They're pretty hipster in Taiwan...but not in it's kind of a good thing Celeste and I didn't end up buying them. BUT they're so useful and I think it could totally be a stylish. On the other hand, I think the weather totally adds to the adventure because we're really trying to survive against the elements and it's quite exhilarating when I'm stumbling through the pouring rain and the deafening thunder claps above...perfect K-drama scene right there. It only sucks when the humidity gets inside your living quarters and then everyone blasts their individual rooms with A/C...there must be another way to be more energy efficient & comfortable.
Having access to 3G is survival 101 anywhere I go especially because I wasn't familiar with the area...also really helpful with finding food lol...and using LINE...LINE is SO BIG in Taiwan...there's even toys for it.
Walking. Yes. MY ONLY FORM OF EXERCISE in Taiwan and it 100% effective. Love the burn especially when we do the formidable stairs.
Spiritually: It is definitely a challenge when I'm travelling. I'm always in motion with things to do, people to see, places to go. Then I realize it's easy to fall away from where I should be grounded. Everything is so desirable and enticing to one's heart, mind, soul, stomach...that was definitely the biggest reminder and I am so thankful I have friends to keep me accountable even in what we would sometimes regard as the small things such as praying before we eat. Lots of conviction in that when I realize my hearts not in the right place because I'm not even truly thankful for the food in front of me.
Despite all the things I can entertain myself with in Taiwan I end up realizing this could be someone's life everyday and that's pretty much it. We need something more than that though because eventually fades, disintegrates and we poop it out. Even if we had nothing but strove to gain a particular lifestyle or just make ends meet, what do we really gain in the end? Hm.
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