If you read my previous blog post about cravings...God is good and He provides!

I had the opportunity to check out a a couple fellowships, a care group, and another church this past week! One of the fellowships I attended was completely in Cantonese and their worship music really blew me away. They have a full fledged choir and worship was my first time hearing Cantonese praise songs live and it is so powerful and moving!

There's something special about worshiping with people in another language...I felt that English is not a requirement or the "main" language to conduct service in but really it is the heart of worship that transcends those barriers: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11) All nations will sing praises and there is no separation or division by language, culture, ethnicity, social status, location etc. There's so much joy to look forward to!

I think the church culture here has come to me as a bit of a culture shock though. Of the two churches I attended, I would not have guessed a church would be located in the type of buildings they were held in. It looked more like a 5 star hotel or financial centre. And everything is vertical in Hong Kong of course so sometimes not everyone can fit in the same floor. But this is yet another reminder to me that church is not a physical building but (in the most simple of explanations) a gathering of believers.

BUT just to give an image of the building designs of one of the churches I attended...
THIS IS INGENIOUS!  Now I don't have to use toilet paper to flush certain toilets (OCD over here...even though I am a tree hugger. :3)  Plus it's better than the sensors that flush when it detects that one's bottom has moved away from the toilet...those can keep flushing for days because of the placement design. Yay for sanitation and saving water!
AS FOR physical food...PTL because I found a market near campus called "International" which is equivalent to World Market...and they sell the food I have been craving. So I splurged and bought staples like sandwich bread, peanut butter, jam, yogurt, and cereal! Hip hip hooray! It took me 30 minutes to get back to the apartment and I was carrying at least 10+ lbs of stuff including my laptop and school books...but it was so worth it.

I am one happy camper!
DAIRY PRODUCTS!!! I never thought dairy was such a staple in my life...maybe I need to cut down.
I miss my roommates when I see this aisle.
Lulz whut. Asian lady. I had to choose the plain one because I need to 省錢. Life of a college student.
Sooo...Hong Kong fruits are deceiving! Each time I buy oranges...they end up being grapefruits...but nonetheless...STILL SO YUMMY!

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