Week 0: Dragonboating!

龍舟...it's so majestic.
Celeste and I wanted to plug ourselves into as many activities as we could at HKU...in other words "carpe diem!" Dragon boating was our first school activity and it was a BLAST. I never got the chance to do it again...but being able to do it just that once made it all the more special! We were put into groups with other random study abroad students so it was really awesome having to work in a team with people we just met. They made us stretch and exercise first before the actual rowing...lol college students are so not flexible, let's blame technology.

Jore and I having breakfast... 

We took the school bus down to 香港仔 (Aberdeen). 

I didn't bring my camera with me while boating...since they said we might flip over...here's "proof" we actually paddled.

Perfect way to end the night...microwavable food. #datcollegelyfe
Lol...so it was my first time washing my clothes at our flat. We're so lucky we have a laundry machine in our flat that we don't have to pay for...but we didn't have a dryer. I was too cheap to pay for the drying machine. So I'm utilizing the ceiling water pipes and Amy's blow dryer, lulz.

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